Thursday, November 27, 2008


So the winds are changing, blowing in a different direction.

I have loved My 3 Lil Monkeys. I have loved learning how to screen print, and I have loved re-discovering sewing. I have loved creating and I have loved putting a smile on people's faces.

But as I said. The winds are changing. The fact of the matter is, I really do love screen printing - but right now, the only way I am able to do it (order blank shirts as I make a sale) it is not profitable. Which makes it a VERY time consuming hobby. Again, a hobby that I love, but a hobby non the less. And being a full time nursing student, I don't have a lot of time to spare for non-profit hobbies (especially when we're so broke - but they again, who isn't broke?).

So here's where things sit. I have started my photography business {and am loving it WAY more than I ever imagined}, I am finishing up this semester and am about to start my final semester of nursing school, and as always, I am enjoying my family as much as I possibly can. Financially, things are tough, and for as much time as it takes to make custom shirts, it is not profitable, which is very frustrating. So, I am backing off from My 3 Lil Monkeys a little.

I am no longer offering custom shirts, only pre-printed shirts. My focus is elsewhere and it's not fair to my customers to make them wait for shirts because my life is too busy. Life is a balancing act, and I'm just leveling the scales.

I'll still post here, and I'm still going through with Duncan the Traveling Monkey. I will still post feature posts, and I still LOVE Etsy :-) I'm just scaling back a bit.

I just wanted you all to know. :-) Cause I love you muchos.

Thank you for your support and love!


  1. noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!.... but I understand. Awww.. I'm gonna miss you on etsy! I check your site almost everyday to see new stuff. I wish you all the best in whatever you do my dear...*tear* I feel like I'm loosing a piece of that weird?

  2. I sent you a message on etsy a little while ago, did you get it? I will copy it here...

    Hi Mandi!

    It's Kelly from xanga! I was wondering if it would be possible to get this print (My Mom Shoots People) on a smaller shirt or onesie? My cousin, who is a photographer and travels all over the world for it, is expecting in March and I would like to give her this as a shower gift. I would prefer a onesie in maybe 3-6 month size (so baby could wear it this summer). I don't know the gender of the baby, but I really like the green colour, and I think it's fairly gender neutral...

    I know you're really busy, but would you be able to do this for me? It doesn't have to be right away, but preferably before the end of the year if possible.



    Would this be possible at all?

    If not, let me know asap and maybe I will buy the 3T sized one.

    Please email me at @ gmail .com, as I'm not supposed to be checking my blogs this month (doing a bit of a fast, but still checking email).


