Why am I so addicted to lip balm all of the sudden? Not just any 'ol chap stick either, I am in love with the home made goods! Oh my goodness, I can't get enough. I've bought from 4 different sellers in the past month with a total of 6 lip balms. And all of them were oh so worth it. I would (and probably will) go back to each store to re-stock!
Help! I'm addicted to lip balm and I can't stop!!So this post is dedicated to my wonderful lip balm making friends. I thank you. You feed my addiction. ;-) You may continue to do so :-)

My first balm purchase, 'Sugar Free Chocolate Chip Mint' and one of my favorites. This one was SOOO yummy, I used up half of it in just a couple weeks! Oh I could have just eaten it, it was seriously so yummy! Sadly,
the shop I purchased it from is closed until further notice :-( Sad!

My second lip balm came from
The StarShine Company and I went for the banana flavor in spirit of my monkey shop ;-) Good choice! I love it! It's a different consistency than the Choc. Chip Mint, but I still like it a lot! This shop also sells yummy looking candles that I have my eye on and will probably return for either more lip balm or a candle ;-)

I had to again try the banana flavor when I saw these adorable tins. It seriously is super cute, you just slide the top on and off with your thumb! I apply it straight from the tin to my lips, but you could also use your finger. I just can't get enough of the cute tin ;-)
Kristen's Cosmetics offers way more than just lip balm, and I will most likely be returning to try out some of that yummy looking body mousse!

And last but certainly not least, the package that arrived in today's mail!!! My set of THREE lip balms!! I have to admit, these are ranking pretty high on my list! I must just love the odd shaped containers, because these tubes are oval and I'm just in love with them! The consistency is wonderful, soft, smooth... The flavor is wonderful and long lasting... And again with the tube, it's just a great tube to hold in my hand! I chose to go with the Spiced Chai, Very Vanilla (yummy), and Double Mint (feels cool and almost tingly! LOVE it! One of my favs!). Oh man.
Cavendish Soapworks scored a repeat customer today!
So there you have it. In less than one month's time, I have aquired and fallen in love with 6 - SIX - new lip balms. Silly, I know. I just can't help it.
Gotta get my fix *wink*
those tins are gorgeous!!