Monday, September 1, 2008

New Look!

I was SO happy to have stumbled across Leelou's blog today! She's created a TON of adorable {FREE} blog layouts! Of course eventually I want a blog layout completely customized just for me, but in the meantime, I am in love :-) These are colorful, fun, bright, cheery, and just my style! I had a little mishap when I switched the family blog and I lost all my widgets, but I'm rebuilding, so it's ok ;-) My next course of action is to figure out how to make this layout a 3-column. I was looking through my old code to find where it was that I added the 3rd column last time (the original layout was a 2 column that I changed) but it wasn't working when I tried changing it, so I'll get back to it. I just don't like having ALL my widgets, buttons, blog lists, etc on one side. Seems too cluttered and easy to miss the stuff at the bottom if someone's just stopping by and not scrolling down to read much further than the main screen area.

Anyway, thanks so much to Leelou Blogs for the BEEYOUTIFUL (and {FREE}) layouts :-) I have a slightly different one on my Monkey blog, my Family blog, and my Me blog!

*Oh, also have to make new headers for all the blogs... Any takers? {wink}


  1. I think your blog is really cheerful. If your site reflects you then, you must be a really happy person:-)

    Thanks for visiting my blog today (sorry about making you lick the screen:-). I know what you mean about missing stuff at the bottom with a 2-column format. I want to change mine too but I don't know how. Let me know if you figure it out:-)

  2. I see you're as bad as me at updating!
